They were hand painted by Artist A Mejia. Each one measures approximately 12″ top to bottom, and 8″ side to side. They are glazed terra cotta tiles. I’m not an artist or even a connoisseur of art, so I don’t know what medium is used to create these awesome pieces. They are obviously painted and they have a very slight texture. These folk art paintings include three different scenes. One is a colorful image (in landscape orientation) of children seated amongst pots of vivid red flowers and surrounded by a variety of pinatas hanging above. It is so charming and rich in culture. The next two are both portrait orientation and feature cityscape scenes. One is simply a view of the local architecture, and the other shows residents of a small town going about their daily lives. They are all walking (or riding a burro) in the direction away from the artist. These are just so fabulous and surprisingly free from any damage. I’m not sure exactly how old they are but my best guess is circa 1980s. The one with the burro rider is clearly signed A. Mejia, Taxco and what I believe is GRO which would be the abbreviation for Guerrero. The one with the children has a faint patrial Mejia signature. The one with the buildings is unsigned. I have no reason to believe they were not all done by A. Mejia as I found them all together. &####128293;Please review all the pictures and zoom in for close-ups as they are an integral part of the description. Carefully packaged for safe transit.