Maud Kathleen Downey b. Maud Lewis, born Maud Dowley, was a Canadian folk artist from the province of Nova Scotia. She is considered one of Canada’s best-known folk artists. Suffering from arthritis, which stunted her growth, Maud remained the size of a child throughout her life. Her shoulders were abnormally hunched, her back was curved and twisted, and rheumatoid nodules deformed her hands. She used her less affected left hand to support her arm so that she could paint with her right hand. Measure: 8 5/8 in. X 7 3/8 in. Framed: 12 1/8 in. X 10 7/8 in. All authorship of items in this catalog is described in the following terms. Signed [Artist Name] : Where the signature is legible on the lot, this work is described as is without attribution. By [Name of artist] : The work is the artist’s. Attributed to [Artist Name] : The work may be attributed to the artist based on style, but there may be questions about actual authorship. In the manner of [Artist name] : The work was executed by an unknown hand, but was deliberately designed to emulate the artist’s style. After [Artist Name] : The work was executed by an unknown hand, but is a deliberate copy of a known work by the artist. Circle of [Artist Name] : A work from the artist’s period that shows his influence, closely associated with the artist but not necessarily his student. Follower of [Artist Name] : a work by a student or follower of the artist (not necessarily a student). American, 19th century: This work was executed by an unknown hand and can only be identified by its origin i. Please read our policy carefully. All sales are final. We will package and arrange the entire item packaging process. If you have ignored our policy and have failed to read the description and have not contacted us to clarify any questions about the item WAIVER to issue a return for the item. We are located in Peru, Lima. WE DO NOT CHARGE extra for packaging.