Very American Folk Art. PLEASE PAY AT BARN. Broke out of their pen. Got into the pumpkin patch. They haven’t yet had a pig-out of the sunflowers. The scarecrow can’t help. The robin is busy catching a worm. There’s a little outhouse with half-moon in the background. The sun is coming up (or going down). 8.00″ X 10.00″ X ¾. STANDARD SIZE 8.00″ X 10.00″ FRAME. “I’m not an “outsider folk artist. I started to draw and paint. When I was about three-years old. I hope my art will inspire you, your favorite children. Or someone you know, to start drawing some doodles. Or doing something you enjoy. Which will help bring some happiness. To the world, yourself or others. I’ve created and illustrated coloring books. Greeting cards, posters and magnets. For children’s bedrooms and playrooms. Nursery art, family spaces. Kitchens, bathrooms/powder rooms, medical offices. Public waiting areas and model homes. Is featured in art galleries, museum stores. And retail shops across the country.