From the Tucson estate of a dedicated collector some years ago is this original oil on board of a “SHEEP” by well regarded Ohio folk art specialist Elizabeth F. Gilkey – still housed in one of her spot on recreations of a period country curly maple frame. The immensely charismatic pastoral gem is thoroughly Gilkey, being both visually authentic and masterfully rendered. It is clearly signed with her initials E. F. G. ” and dated “1987 to lower right in the typical manner for this well referenced contemporary American folk artist. Gilroy’s printed card with “SHEEP” and her inventory number “0689” hand written is attached to frame verso – below which is the ink signing Elizabet F. Gilkey / December, 1987. Elizabeth Gilkey has been described as an “artist of 18th Century life”, whose efforts in that regard have achieved decades of popularity and have been widely reproduced. This, however, is assuredly a genuine painting from the brush and heart of the artist herself. Condition of the artwork is quite fine and pretty much as the artist envisioned. Gilroy’s well accomplished 200 year faux patina is still intact, and I see no real detractions to note for accuracy. The frame is likewise well preserved, though its backing paper has detached at the upper left corner verso (simply glue it back in place or leave as is) – this can go right on a wall. That’s me nitpicking for the obsessive, and a look at the pics should give a good idea of appearance and condition. Image size (visible) size is about 3 9/16 in. Horizontal and 2 1/2 in. Frame size is about 6 1/2 in. Horizontal and 5 3/8 in. If you already know what this is and recognize the opportunity, or simply wish a single immediate improvement to a room in your home, this will have great meaning for you. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.