Handmade Paintings Made and Signed By World Famous Artist Nidhi Bandil Agarwal
Nidhi Bandil Agarwal’s contemporary work is often described as contemplative. Her stylized portraits of women share similar features yet remain distinct. Through facial expressions and posture, she conveys the mysteries behind the women she paints. Each figure may appear confrontational or coy, leaving the truth behind these expressions enigmatic. Her paintings utilize contour lines to flatten and compartmentalize shapes while emphasizing intrinsic balance. Repeating lines and shapes create natural, rhythmic elements in her works. Nidhi uses the language of art to emphasize both her own psychological nature and the women she portrays. Nidhi Art Gallery, established in 2003, continuously exhibits Nidhi Bandil’s work. The gallery is located in Jaipur and showcases her captivating pieces. Nidhi’s paintings offer more than just decorative beauty; they provide. Beautify your home, office, or business establishment. Association with Great Art. Enjoy the pleasure of connecting with a renowned artist. N i d h i Art Gallery. All the photos of the twelve quantity item are displayed here. You can choose anyone of the following painting on first come first get basis. Send the phot & photo number of the painting you are going to by from display images. “MeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2011″ “AGirlNbaWtrPpr 15×22 2006″ “Birds Nba MC Ppr 15×22 2017″ “Birds Nba MC Ppr 15×22 2018″ “Composition0NbaPstrPpr15x22-2002″ “FatherNMeNbaWPpr 15×22 2006″ “GreatCompositionNbaPstrPpr15x22-2002″ “itsmeMotherNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2011″ “ItsmeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2011″ “me my art gallery Nba AP Ppr 15×22 2017″ “MeeeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2011″ “MeeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2010″ “MeeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2012″ “MeNbaAPclPpr 15×22 2010″. “VillagerNbaAPpr15x22-2016″ “HillsNbaAPpr15x22-2016 (2)” “HillsNbaAPpr15x22-2016 (3)” “HillsNbaAPpr15x22-2016″ “HutsNbaOplPpr15x22-2009″ “MeltingLandscapeNbaAOpOSht14x21-2009″ “PlantNbaAOplPpr15x22-2016″ “TomatoNbaOplPpr15x22-2016″ UntitledNbaAOplPpr15x22-2016. Made and Signed By. Master of Fine Art in Painting. Size of Painting———— 1522 Inch. Surface Used—————White Paper Sheet. Style of Painting———–Contemporary Modern. Creation Year————–1990 – Now.