This is a very cute Folk Art / naive antique oil on canvas painting depicting a rural winter scene where we see a two-horse sleigh coming along a snow strewn dirt road towards the viewer – in the sleigh are a man & a woman all wrapped up in their cold weather clothing where behind them, the viewer sees a pinkish sunset contrasted against a pale blue sky with off-white fluffy clouds floating through the sky – the colorful sky contrasts with the low mid-section of the painting where the viewer sees a dark & deep forest. To the right of the sleigh is a small cape type house with smoke flowing from its solitary chimney – it appears to be early winter as most of the trees are without any leaves but for some fir trees that are behind the house – the snow, however, is not deep with grass poking through the snow on the left side of the road, & tree stumps showing clearly on the field across the road from the house – the two birch trees on the right suggest some strong wind in the past have sheared off their tops. The painting measures 17″ x 22″ sight size, & is in very good antique condition – it’s enhanced by its probable original antique walnut frame which measures 19″ x 24″ & is in good antique condition – the painting was professionally cleaned to rid it of its 125+ years of grit & smoke residue which had accumulated (there is no smoke smell) & made the old varnish brown – now, we can see the original colors as the artist intended – the painting was also re-varnished to preserve its surface for another century.